We ensure the company to be incorporated in a proper jurisdiction and guarantee a correct legal structuring of the start-ups and already existing businesses. Our team takes into account the following specifities of the project before establish the scheme of legal framing of the business.
Tax planning
License requirements
Cashflow allocation
Effectiveness of business operations
Compliance requirements of the banks providing bank and merchant accounts
Costs saving strategies
Legal Pilot offers incorporation of the companies for business set-ups in 30+ jurisdictions. The most popular jurisdictions:
If you want to play the long game in high-risks businesses, we strongly advise you to get the proper license for operations of your project. We have an experience in obtaining of the licenses in 10+ jurisdiction arranging the passage of compliance procedures for both a) legal and b) technical sides.
License obtaining is not itself enough for the business to get complaint status with all the applicable rules and legislation. High-risks business themselves are regulated business activities and have much more compliance requirements from the regulators than standard ones.
Legal Pilot is highly specialized to provide complex compliance services for gambling, crypro and forex. This services list includes:
Compliant status with the applicable regulations of the regulator and authorities;
To develop the proper internal KYC / AML policies for operations;
To design and to keep up-to-date all the policies applicable for the business type;
To guarantee compliant status of the websites;
To ensure compliant status of the business before financial institutions and partners;
To perform compliance check of the 3rd parties;
To handle the matter of the appointment of compliance officer(s)
*We emphasize that these points are not just wishing items to have for the business, they are the obligatory requirements established by the legislation.
The core element of the business construction is to have the stable and beneficial solutions for banking and acquiring. Legal Pilot has developed wide network of partners among financial insitutions which allows us to provide the clients with variable options to get their payments needs satisfied.
We offer our clients the advantageous bank accounts for operation needs of the business, accounts for receipt of the settlements, personal accounts of beneficial owners and company's officials.
Legal Pilot has opened more than 450 bank accounts for the clients and takes all the formalities and passage of the сomplicated compliance procedures on us.
We assist the clients with their needs in banking and offer:
Accounts in banks and EMIs
Accounts in EU and non-EU financial insitutions
Beneficial fees schedules
Multicurrent accounts
Legal Pilot has developed a great expertise in opening of the merchant accounts for gambling, crypto and forex businesses.
We assist the clients with their needs in banking and offer:
Visa / MC card processing
Alternative payment solutions
Low fees schedule for account opening, maintenance & MDR
Integration of payment gateway
Coverage of almost all the markets
Accounts for start-ups without processing history
The most qualified team will ensure you successfully pass onboarding procedure with the bank and have the stable solution for payments processing as a result.
Give us details about your business type and needs and we will revert with the solutions
Having the team of professionals in law, compliance, payments, tech, we are raising the projects in high-risks business from scratch. We know how to transfer the project sketched on a piece of paper to the successfully operational business. The establishment of the gambling, forex or crypto project significantly differs from any other business, we are here to assist and to provide all our multi-year expertise to start your business.
Some main blocks in setting up the new projects are listed below:
Proper legal structuring of the project
License obtaining
Ensuring compliant status of the websites and business
Bank and merchant accounts opening
Selection of the partners and сontractors, formalizing the agreements
Financial strategy on the cashflow allocation
Technical support of the project
Strategy on the human resources to be engaged into operations
Marketing strategies and the most efficient tools usage
Cost saving and profit generation policies
We have already raised the gambling, forex, crypto and fintech projects in 10+ jurisdictions. Legal Pilot is exactly what you are looking for if you'd like to start or reform your current business in gambling, crypto, forex or fintech.
Legal Pilot will assist you with setting up a hand distance operations on a turnkey basis and the nominee services for clients who for business reasons wish to keep the ownership rights or operating of the entity as confidential.
In order for our client to maintain control of the shares in the company a declaration of trust is executed between the nominee shareholder and our client stating the shares are held in trust by the nominee shareholder for the benefit of the client.
We also consult the client on all the cons and pros of such approach for each chosen jurisdiction
Nominee shareholder
Our nominee director service provides for an individual to be appointed as a nominee director of the company. The name of the nominee director will appear in the public records at the Companies Registry as the director of the company.
The nominee director will operate the company by acting upon instructions from our client and in accordance with the terms of a Nominee Directors Agreement entered into between the nominee director and our client.